Stay Focussed to Make the Right Choices. In this is a heart-to-heart talk where you will learn how make choices in difficult circumstances and change the direction of your life and the lives of others. As a leader you have to make decisions which will impact the lives of many. And your decisions will determine […]
Lack of Focus Causes Hardship
Distracting You From What Is Important. Distractions are exactly what it says, It distracts you from doing things you want and need to do. A lack of focus can cause hardship in your life and the lives of others. Mainly because you do not fulfil your purpose and the reason why you were born. Learn […]
Never Give Up
Find Fulfillment In Living God’s Purpose For You. Have you ever felt like giving up? You have not started your race to fail or stop halfway. You have a purpose and when you know your purpose, you will find strength to complete your race. You have everything you need to live your life on purpose. […]
Your Gift IS Your Work
And Your Gift Makes Room For You In the World. What do you have to offer the world? Look into yourself and find the idea that will change the world. You were born with a gift inside to be fruitful. You don’t want a job, because you only get paid a few times per year. […]
To Be Employed or To Be Deployed
When You Are Deployed You Are Calling the Shots. All successful companies follow God’s mandate! Be Fruitful = Produce a product. Multiply = Reproduce the same product many times over. Replenish = Distribute the product all across the world. Subdue = Control and dominate the market. Produce and distribute something the world needs or want, […]
You Have an Obligation to Say Yes
Your Children and Their Children Are Counting On You. Even before you were formed in your mother’s womb, you were appointed a purpose. Most people focus on building their lives their own way. Instead, they ought to find out who and what they are destined to be. You have an obligation to say yes to […]
You Can Do It – So Take Action Now
You Have Everything it Takes Inside You. You know you need to take action so you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of your family. Once you understand you have been given authority to step out and fulfil your purpose, all the physical things you need will start coming your […]
When the Wrong People are in Power
With the Right Ruler in Authority, People Rejoice. When people with wrong motives apply for position of authority, they will put their best foot forward. But when in there, they change and violate the trust in to satisfy their lust for money and power. The outcome is always the same – Many suffer and may […]
Do Not Criticize or Judge
Stay Focussed and Objective to Stay Your Course. When you allow yourself to be critical, you open yourself up to division and judgement. And it won’t help you accomplish anything. You just harm yourself. By allowing yourself to develop a critical spirit, you actually work against yourself and all the positive traction you have gained […]
Healing of Emotions
Get Rid of the Fog That Prevents You From Being Empowered. Emotional baggage is forming a crust in your life and holds you back from being who you really are. You always go back to the same things again and again. Emotional baggage is not always your own doing. It is something you learned from […]
Are You Ready to Take Up the Challenge?
To Fight the Good Fight of Faith. It takes courage to decide to find the truth and take action and help others to fight the good fight of faith. There is a war declared for the souls of our children and our nations. This fight is about evil versus good, darkness versus light, confusion versus […]
Why You Need to Take Action
Fulfill Your Purpose and Make a Difference. It’s your turn to take action to make a difference. Are you going to take the challenge? Or are you going to cower or crouch down in fear and hide while the proverbial fires are burning around you? We need you! You are part of a body and […]
You Are Called to Take Action
Yes, I’m Talking to You! Our world is in a state of utter deterioration. Only when you and I, as leaders, take action will things change. Get involved and change your world. If you don’t take action, future generations are going to haunt you and ask, why didn’t someone do something? Open your eyes, ears […]
The Crucified Life Brings Overflow
Never Fight the Overflow – Let it Pick You Up Higher The Crucified Life is to live by the faith of the Son of God, not your own faith. It is a simple life and not hard to live everyday, not only Sundays. The overflow causes you to come up and live on a higher […]