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- What Does it Mean to Train Your Mind?
Training Your Mind Series – Part 1
In this mini-series we focus to train your mind, which influences you throughout your lives.
The way your mind is trained will either work to your benefit or it will harm you. So, in this series of sessions you will learn how to train your mind in an easy and simple to apply way.
Listen to Part 1 of 12 in the Series “Training Your Mind” below where I teach you to train your mind to live a successful life:
Some of the topics we will cover are:
- What Does it Mean to Train Your Mind?
- How to Train Your Mind.
- How to use Meditation to Train Your Mind.
- What is Meditation or Deep Thinking?
- What Meditation is Not.
- Benefits of Meditation.
- The Power of Meditation.
- How to Meditate on the Word Day and Night.
- The Results of Meditating on the Word Day and Night.
Bonus Topics
- How to Study the Word One-Word-at-a-Time.
- Praying in the Spirit – “Supercharge” Your Life.
- Learn How to Remember Scriptures and Never Forget it Again.
From the moment you were born your mind was trained to think and cause you to do the things you do everyday.
This training is usually “spontaneous” and haphazard, meaning it lacks any plan, order or direction.
And as you know, if you don’t have plan, you just coast through life without any real purpose and goal in mind.
Train Your Mind with Eternal Laws
To help you understand this concept a bit better, it is important to know that everything in creation are governed by laws. Even in our everyday life there are laws we have to know, otherwise we might end up in trouble.
Even stopping at a stop sign is governed by a law. Apart from violating the law if you don’t stop, you may also put yourself in a position where you may be injured, or injure some else.
The same with your life. If you do not learn how to deal with difficult situations by applying the correct “laws”, you might end up being very lonely and very unhappy.
For example, if a husband always treats his wife like trash, he might end up being alone and miserable.
Every Decision Have Consequences
Whatever you and I do have consequences. The consequences will either benefit you or it will harm you.
And the effects of this man’s selfish behaviour can even cause the wife to have symptoms of depression, and in extreme cases, even suicide.
This is because of a law that is violated. The universal law says, “Husband love your wife”.
On the other hand, if a man obeys the law and love his wife, his wife will be happy and the two of them will have a wonderful and fulfilling life.
When you and I are trained to obey God’s laws, you “condition” your mind to the point where you always know what to do.
Let’s look at a little baby who does not know any laws yet. The little one might be playing happily with a toy. His little sister comes along and takes the toy away from his.
The little baby immediately starts throwing a terrible tantrum because his “rights” have been violated. The parents do not know what to do, but to stop the tantrum, the sister is scolded and commanded to give the toy back to her little brother.
The next time the little brother wants something, he knows that throwing a tantrum gets him what he selfishly wants.
His mind is now trained to behave in a destructive way, and his mind will “cause” him to act this way for the rest of his life, unless he trains his mind to be a family person and take others into consideration.
If the parents knew how to train the little boy, they would help him by training him the right behaviour. They may “train” him that it is good to share what he has with others. This behaviour will stay with him for the rest of his life and he might become a model for others throughout his life.
A proverb that describes this very well, says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
By training your mind according to the laws that govern creation, you are actually renewing your mind to guide you in living a righteous and successful life.
Paul the apostle is very serious about this where he strongly urges us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. He goes on and says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind (or the training of your mind), that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Now let me give you a practical example of how I had to teach myself to train my mind to do what I want it to do.
During a certain time of my life I left home very early in the morning and returned just after 3:00 pm. Because I got up so early and had a full day’s work behind me, I felt tired and needed to rejuvenate myself before I could function properly again.
One day I decided to go and take a twenty minute nap, which would help me and refresh me. But, as I laid down on the bed, my mind started wandering all over the place.
I soon realised that I will need to train my mind to focus on taking a rest and not on everything else I “need to do”.
So what I did was to tell my mind, “Come back and focus on me falling to sleep.” My mind would obey, but in moments started wandering again.
I applied the same and commanded it to come back again. And lo and behold, within a few minutes I was fast asleep. In less than two weeks my mind was trained to the point where I could go and lay down and fall asleep within moments and wake up exactly twenty minutes later, without having to use an alarm to wake me up.
Little did I know this exercise would be used to help me focus on anything I wanted to either focus on, or that which I wanted to avoid.
Do Not Allow Your Mind to Dictate
Today my mind does not dictate to me what it wants to think, because I tell my mind what it needs to focus on, according to the Word of God. And needless to say, my life has taken on a completely new dynamic and I am accomplishing things I could only dream of before.
As we continue in this series of messages, I will teach you in much more detail how to train your mind and meditate on the Word of God until you will be able to see what is written in it and do according to what you see.
And, please don’t be concerned if there are things you are struggling with right now, because we are determined to help you do what God called you to do.
In the next session we will take a closer look at practical ways to Train Your Mind.
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