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- Socialism in Leadership – Part 01
In socialism, major industries are owned and controlled by government, rather than by people and companies.
The effects are devastating societies all across the globe.
Socialism the vehicle used to establish hard core communism where government controls everything.
It is a Utopia that promises nothing good, only hardship and total control by government.
In this episode I am touching on a topic that very few want to look at, and yet, it has devastating effects, not only in our society, but in societies all across the globe.
What I am referring to is Socialism – And specifically Socialism in Leadership.
How can a True Leader approve socialism/communism as a way of living?
Socialism is basically the “soft” vehicle that is used to eventually establish hard core communism where the government controls everything.
It is a Utopia that is held before people but promises absolutely nothing to anyone, except hardship to the people and total control by government.
>>> Testimony with young people and those growing up in communist countries
Before we explore socialism’s effects on our daily lives, let’s take a quick look at what a healthy society is supposed to look like!
There are 5 Laws of a Sound Foundation in Society
- Individuals
- Families
- Employers
- Church
- Government
- Individuals – Live a productive life, be Charitable, help the poor and needy, visit and heal the sick, encourage, etc.
- Families – No instructions for the family to take care of the poor – Husband (male) love your wife (female), wife honour your husband, child submit to your parents, parents train up your children.
- Employers – No instructions to employers or employees to take care of the poor – Do an honest days work and do not withhold wages.
- Church – Take care of the poor – Widows and orphans, medical clinics, and dig wells in villages.
- Government – Protect the innocent and punish the guilty – No instructions for the government to take care of the poor.
Today, the government has been doing the Church’s role. There is no instructions for the government to get involved in healthcare nor education.
Just because something needs to be done doesn’t mean it is the government’s job to do it.
Whenever you get the government involved, you get the bureaucrats and politicians who want to stay in office and they want to keep their job.
And they are going to be tempted – and many of them are not only tempted, they are doing it as we speak – to use their position to funnel money to those who can get them re-elected and to use their position to leak stuff to the media about those who oppose them, and to audit and prosecute those who can challenge and threaten their “job security”.
It is called the deep state – people who are career politicians and don’t care about anything else but their own position.
Now! What is Socialism/Communism?
The origin of socialism – Which we will deal with in more detail in a future episode
Plato was one of the first proponents of this concept.It is an Utopia, and utopia means “no place” or “nowhere”
- How it evolved and influenced the world for thousands of years.
- How it affects every person on the face of the earth.
- How it influences Canada.
- How it influences the USA.
- How it influences the country you live in.
- How it influences the entire world population.
- How I grew up fighting communism.
How it was forced on us that we are the ones at fault. - How we were forced to feel guilty for living a righteous life.
- How socialism started to change Canadian society.
- Where are we today in Canada?
- What can you and I do to fight socialism and communism?
“I was very disturbed when a good friend told me some years ago he doesn’t like Canada because of its socialism.”
I could not see, at that time, what he was saying, but his words stayed with me and I was determined to prove him wrong.
But the deeper I searched, the more I realized how true his words are.
What really got my attention, was when I read an article some time later which explained how the subtleties of socialism/communism were introduced into the Canadian society.
Let me explain by sharing some of the “bad dream lessons” I learned:
When we think of socialism/communism, we usually think of Marx and Lenin – Hardcore communists who stand for forcefully destroying countries and then implementing their evil system of so-called “equality”.In Marx’s own words in 1849, “When our time comes we will not make excuses for the terror.”
The means to get what they wanted did not matter, whether it was forced labour to forcible “re-education” or simply murder, they were ruthless.
But then there is Socialism.
Let’s See What is Socialism
So what exactly is this thing that many understand only vaguely and that has done so much damage?
The strict definition of socialism — or what we might call socialism in full bloom — is an economic system in which private property is abolished and the “means of production” are owned by the state.
The friendlier way of putting that is to say that property is owned “by the people”, though in practice that always means the state.
Merriam Webster puts it this way: Socialism is “a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies.”
Do you think this is how it should be?
There are very few people who want this to happen, unless they are behind the “disinformation and propaganda” to blindfold the general public.
Even very few young people in their twenties are enthusiastic to have the government forcefully take over Apple, Starbucks, Microsoft, or their favourite food trucks and farmers’ markets.
Not even “democratic socialist” politicians call for that. They simply want to hike tax rates way up and get the government controlling a lot more in the economy — especially Wall Street and the banks — which are already the most regulated parts of the economy.
What Socialism is Not
Socialism is Not Social. Socialism is the “vehicle” that is used to move a free society or country to a state of total control where the government controls everything – from individuals, to institutions, to food supply, to medical provisions, and even to the restriction of freedom of movement.
Socialism is Actually Anti-Social.
That’s the bad news. The better news is that few of the young people attracted to socialism know what it is.
The word doesn’t exactly describe itself. It’s got that nice word “social” tucked into it.
I’m sure the polls would turn out differently if the word “statism” or “Big Brotherism” or “massive centralized government control of almost everything” were used.
But as it is, socialism has always had good branding. Socialism is social instead of individualistic. Socialism is about equality. Socialism is about generosity and helping the poor. Right?
No it’s NOT!
Where socialism grows, social ties weaken as private organizations and institutions that bring people together are crowded out by the state. And as socialism grows, equality is replaced by favouritism, where the “right people” are placed into positions of ever-growing government power.
This makes all the difference between those who get ahead and those who get shut out of the game.
And as socialism grows, real generosity wanes, especially as the government takes over roles previously filled by private charitable organizations.
History speaks for itself.
This is a touchy topic and I am going to conclude, but if you are interested to learn more, subscribe to this podcast because I feel I have to dedicate a few episodes on this dangerous topic until people understand, not only the dangers, but also how to know the truth and get rid of this in our society.
Is it going to be easy? Probably not, but everything starts small and we will gain moment if we persist.
In upcoming episodes I will share where socialism started, how it evolved and how it has infiltrated and saturated our modern society. I will also share how an Italian man, Antonio Gramsci, was instrumental in developing “a cultural revolution” that was gladly accepted by leftist liberals and implemented in our educational and cultural institutions.
Now it is your turn to decide if you are going to do your part, as true leader, to irradiate this evil in your circles of influence, or to turn a blind eye and be an accomplice in destroying entire nations.
Thank you for listening. Please share this episode with a family member or friend, and share your thoughts with me. Also subscribe to this podcast and help me take this message to the many unsuspecting victims.
Until next time…
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